otherwisely, thanks for reading and i'll catch ya on the flipside. peace out!
And this? This is like my little window to the world, and every minute, it's a different show. Now, I may not understand it. I may not even necessarily agree with it. But I'll tell you what, I accept it and just sort of glide along. You want to keep things on an even keel I guess is what I'm saying. You want to go with the flow. The sea refuses no river. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving. Saves on introductions and good-byes. The ride does not require an explanation. Just occupants.
- Waking Life
For my part, I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel's sake. The great affair is to move.
- Robert Louis Stevenson
From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits and imaginary lines,
Going where I list, my own master total and absolute,
listening to others, considering well what they say,
pausing, searching, receiving, contemplating,
Gently, but with undeniable will
divesting myself of the holds that would hold me.
- Walt Whitman, "Song of the Open Road"
Lisa: Ralph thinks I like him. But I only gave him a Valentine 'cause I felt sorry for him.
Homer: Ah, sweet pity: where would my love life have been without it?
Lisa: What do you say to a boy to let him know you're not interested?
Marge: Well, honey-
Homer: Let me handle this, Marge. I've heard 'em all. (counting them off): "I like you as a friend," "I think we should see other people," "I no speak English," "I'm married to the sea," "I don't want to kill you, but I will..."
this Village Voice review of Ghostface's new album aggravated me for some reason. aggro-vated! just the way it's written. it bugs! check out the lead graph:
Five years ago it was clear that Ghostface Killah was going to be the last Wu-Tang Clansman standing. Career-wise, not literally, Russell Jones Dirt McGirt R.I.P. Chalk it up to Big Ghost's Everyman appeal—to the fact that he's now made five solo albums that the people enjoy and not one movie directed by Jim Jarmusch or about getting high at Harvard. I love Jarmusch, RZA, and GZA and think Meth is the tightest cameo artist in hiphop history—just don't try and sell me one of his own albums. And somehow we just know there are no Lee Iacocca or Charlie Rose appearances in Ghost's future, no Beyoncés either, and that's all fine by us. Us being the ones who actually listen to hiphop to satisfy the basest of urges, the artform's smooth and savage concoction of stupid beats, surreal rhymes, and that je ne sais quoi we know as unrepentant, unreconstructed, around-the-way negritude.that's right. "that je ne sais quoi we know as unrepentant, unreconstructed, around-the-way negritude." uhhh, what? from the first sentence -- was it really clear? is it even true? -- from the R.I.P to O.D.B. to all the strange references to Wu-Tang's other cultural endeavors to that turn of phrase at the end, it just seemed that the guy, Greg Tate, knows what he's talking about but was really trying to sound deep and cool at the same time. and not.
Lookahere brothermansisterlady, I don't know how it is between you and Ghost but I'm enough of a closet Marxist to get turned on by the idea of a blood who in another era would be carting a lunchpail to the plant being a monster poet up in this suddenly glitzaramic hiphop sheet.
liarand, the awesomest:
should be kicked out of harvard
lil miss plagiarist
slap in the face to legitimate authors
could this be the moment at last when publishers stop buying books from boring Harvard prodigies and start buying zombie booksrad. just rad. when will the zombie books start showing up on Oprah, I think, is the real question here.